🔗Social Accounts

The Elrond theme supports 12 different social media sites.

  • Facebook

  • Twitter

  • Instagram

  • Linkedin

  • Github

  • Twitch

  • Tiktok

  • Youtube

  • Snapchat

  • Pinterest

  • Reddit

  • Discord

Firstly, to add your Facebook and Twitter accounts, go to the Social accounts section under General settings in the Ghost admin, and configure your Facebook and Twitter accounts there.

Now, let's take a look at how to configure your other social media accounts.:

  1. To configure other social media sites, open the "../locales/en.json" file in your code editor.

  2. Then, find the code block below:

  "instagram-account-link": "javascript:",
  "linkedin-account-link": "javascript:",
  "github-account-link": "javascript:",
  "twitch-account-link": "javascript:",
  "tiktok-account-link": "javascript:",
  "youtube-account-link": "javascript:",
  "snapchat-account-link": "javascript:",
  "pinterest-account-link": "javascript:",
  "reddit-account-link": "javascript:",
  "discord-account-link": "javascript:",
  1. Then, remove the "javascript:" text from the content of the social media site you want to add, and insert your own link. For example;

  "instagram-account-link": "https://github.com/your-account",
  "linkedin-account-link": "javascript:",
  "github-account-link": "javascript:",
  "twitch-account-link": "javascript:",
  "tiktok-account-link": "javascript:",
  "youtube-account-link": "javascript:",
  "snapchat-account-link": "javascript:",
  "pinterest-account-link": "javascript:",
  "reddit-account-link": "javascript:",
  "discord-account-link": "javascript:",
  1. Afterward, "Save" and "reinstall" the theme.

Important Note: Please do not delete the 'javascript:' text from social media accounts you do not wish to add, as it will appear on your homepage. Adding the 'javascript:' text prevents the display of social media sites that you do not want to include.

Last updated