📢Adding a Custom Ads (v1.0.3)

In version 1.0.3 of the Elrond theme, we added custom ad spaces. The main ad is placed full-width just below the Featured Posts area, while the other ad is positioned at the bottom of the right widget


Now let's see how to use it. First, if you want to add an advertisement as a static image, you can do this from the Ghost Admin panel.

Adding a static image ads

  1. Click on the "Design & branding" tab on the Ghost Admin, and click the Homepage tab.

  2. Upload your desired advertisement images to the Homepage main advertisement area and Right widget advertisement areas, and save.

  3. All done!

Adding a custom ad code (like Google Ads)

For this, a bit of theme customization outside of the Ghost Admin panel is necessary.

  1. First, extract the elrond.zip file that you downloaded into a folder.

  2. Open the 'homepage-main-advertisement.hbs' and 'right-widget-advertisement.hbs' files in the Partials folder using a code editor, and add your own code to the specified area.

  1. After adding the code, save the files, then compress the 'elrond' folder back into a zip file and upload the theme.

  2. All done!

Last updated